Friday, 12 February 2016

Planning - Sound Design

Planning – Sound Design

The sound I used in my product was mixed together using audacity. I combined a song which I acquired copyright access to and two other non copyrighted short sound bridges. The copyrighted song was called Contact Redux and I contacted the band that made it to see if I could get permission, they replied with this email.

Because of the access given by the band I was able to incorporate that song into my product. Using pieces of copyright free audio sound bridges I created a short soundtrack that hopefully complements the video, the soundtrack has been edited in tandem with the video, when the car is driving quickly and the gates open to reveal an imposing mansion the music gets more dramatic but then when the shots are of financial images it calms down again. Towards the very end of the video when it is coming o its title screen I used a piece of copyright free music from to increase the tension and add a sense of gravitas to the title.

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