Evaluation - Question 4
Well raised person, from whatever background because in my
film there is no ridiculing of any kind of background. It might be easier to
relate to for people from middle class backgrounds or who had a suburban upbringing
but it doesn’t mean it’s inaccessible to others. My perfect audience member
would be from a middle class background as they would be able to identify the most
with the film, and they would be more interested in niche films as they are
stereotypically more cultured.
After taking the Channel 4 Tribes quiz in the mind-set of what my ideal audience would say, the answer came up as a Street Artist. This means that they are vocal and creative on the streets and their motivation is creating more art.
Music is not really a factor that would affect my film, if
you were into heavy metal and nothing else then maybe my film would not be for
you but if you are a general music lover and open to all forms of culture. An
ideal audience member would like music across all generations which means you
are more embracing of culture and more likely to enjoy niche films. The music
used in my opening is very niche which matches the independent tone and a love
of niche music and an open attitude to enjoying new forms of music is the best attitude
for my audience to have.
Watch a lot of it and in variety would be the ideal
candidate. Consume programs from past and present with ranges of genre from
costume drama to reality TV. It just shows that you are culturally aware and actively
trying to attain as much culture as you want. Niche Television seems to be very hard to find, as most television is widely watched in the millions. Perhaps shows like Utopia on channel 4 that were cancelled because of low ratings but was a quality product is a good example of a niche program. So, similar to
music the audience for me would be an open minded one, that consumed metric
tons of media.
Similar to music and television watched a wide range of films
from all ages and all genres. Have a passion for film and narrative storylines
as that is what niche films are. My audience I would like to imagine involve
themselves further in film, watching the Baftas and the Oscars, watching live
streams of Sundance Film Festivals and getting involved in local film
festivals. Of course the audience for me would be one that preferred niche
films rather than mainstream ones; they would discuss and share niche films
with their friends all the while having an underlying penchant for all films.
Mid 20s to mid 30s would be my ideal age range, this is because
some of the topics discussed are complex, like economics, which you would need
to be of an older age or have a huge interest in the topic to understand. People
in this age bracket are more likely to be interested in niche films because they
have already watched a great deal of films in their lifestyle and they would
want to experience new and innovative cinema. But because it is a thriller it is
still fast paced so it would also fuel the excitement of the mid 20 year olds. Also
it is people in this age bracket that have just got in or have been in the film
industry, young creative types who are more inclined to go to film festivals
and see niche films.
NRC Social
NRC grade C1, B and A is the bracket that would be my
audience, with B being the most likely to see niche films as they would be
industry professionals and would have more money to go to film festivals. C1
and A are not excluded as the film would still be marketed towards them as it
is still action/thriller for the C1s who desire escapism but also has high
class ‘A’ grade topics such as stock market manipulation and governmental issues.
The gender market for my film is both genders as both genders
are major roles in the films and neither is gratuitously sexualised or mocked
for their gender. Although I believe more men would see the film because it had
more stereotypical male topics like action and high level finance.
Religion would not be a factor to be considered in my ideal
audience, religion is never explicitly mentioned throughout the film as it is
not a topic that is relevant to the film. Any religion could watch it as it
would not offend any of them.
Race and
Even though the main cast are all Caucasian this should not
deter any races from being an ideal audience. All races would be able to identify
with job types, human emotions and the idea of a hopeless struggle regardless
of skin colour. No one is sexualised in the film as the topics the film brings
up have no relevance or connection to sexuality and as it is a niche film it is
narrative based.
A higher education would be preferable for an ideal audience because
of the higher level topics used like stock markets and finance as well as
government issues. A standard education would not be an issue as it is still an
action/thriller so would contain exiting elements.
Income not relevant as a cinema ticket cost is negligible.
Because it is a niche film it is likely to be shown at film festivals so extra
income could mean an early screening but it would also arrive to cinema screens
in the end.
Current lifestyle that would not be interested as much could
be stockbrokers that are on the run from a government agency, but I think the
amount of people with this lifestyle would be slim. Stockbrokers could enjoy it
because it has thriller elements that would not be present in their lifestyle.
A desired lifestyle would be one of a job in high finance and a life of action and
Purchases of film posters, magazines and DVDs go a long way
to immerse an audience into the culture. But brand purchasing is not necessary,
just a passion for niche films and film culture.
Succeeders and Explorers are the ideal psychographics for my audience;
they both like and take in fine art so they are more likely to enjoy niche
films, seeing a niche film lets succeeders feel self important. Explorers are
younger and more likely to watch new things so a niche film appeals to them
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