Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Evaluation Question 5

Using Question 4 as a base for this question, I will look at how my film opening attracts the audience that I envision my film would be best suited towards my product.

Starting off with the production logo at the start, because it looks a reasonable professional quality it could go some way to satisfy the psychographics of my audience. The succeeders would enjoy seeing a professional logo as it tells them this is a product of quality, but also because it is a niche unknown logo they will also be satisfied in their desire to try new things. Explorers would also be enticed by the logo for similar reasons, they enjoy exploring new and creative ideas so this logo would draw them in as it is brand new.

This scene would help to satisfy the age group of the audience that my film is aimed at. Because it is a fast paced driving sequence it adds a great deal of action and suspense, which would encourage a mid 20 to 30 year old audience to be drawn in as it is exiting. The age of my audience would also enjoy the non linear aspect of my opening, because it is multiple storylines and unclear as to the whole narrative at the start the younger generation would be more interested as they would want to see intellectual movies that challenge their views and make them think, which a linear blockbuster movie would be hard pressed to do. Also the age range is attracted with the main topic of the movie, finance coupled with action. They are in the age range that would be in the working environment and familiar with the finance aspect, even perhaps working in the finance industry which would help them relate more to the film. The action side fuels their desired lifestyles, the younger generation would want to do exiting things and aspire and achieve which this movie provides escapism to, the main characters got through exiting circumstances and are striving to achieve a goal.

This shot of the film appeals to the NRC grade of my audience. A higher NRC grade of B or A would be able to relate easily to the setting and understand that whoever lives in this house has a great deal of wealth. Also A and B NRC grades could aspire to live in a house like this one providing them escapism, showing them how it would be like to drive up to such a house. The bottom end of NRC grade is C1, which the setting still attracts them to. They would greatly aspire to live in a edifice such as that and like the Bs and As it would provide them escapism. But also this film opening does not alienate the audience that do not own such a property, the other half of the opening takes place in a suburban house using stereotypical normal props that you would find in your own home. The laptop on the wooden table is a familiar site to many people with NRC grades of C, B and A and would allow them to easily relate to the opening a lot better. The coupling of a familiar setting such as a dining table and the elaborate mansion house creates an interesting juxtaposition that also means that all income rates of the audience are included, people can relate to either setting, which allows my audience to be wider.

This shot on the left shows someone walking towards a door, this would address the film and television fans that my audience would be. Because my ideal audience would be one that takes in a great deal of film and television of a wide variety they would want to see a narrative that is interesting and new. This shot shows a snapshot of a character and an important part of the narrative but it does not reveal anything apart from some of the characters lifestyle, smart shoes and boots could suggest a high level job and a sense of authority. These little snapshots across my film opening create an interconnecting narrative that should keep film fans intrigued because it is non linear, it is more interesting. Also music lovers are not a major priority in my audience, I mentioned that it would be best if they consumed all types of music and especially enjoyed niche tracks. The music used in my opening is an unheard of song by an unknown band which would appeal to the niche music lovers and also appeal to the 'tribe' of my audience. The 'tribe' that my audience ended up being were street artists and they search for new culture which would inspire them, and a new different song would definitely fit their description.

The finance side of the opening attracts the education level of my audience, there would be more higher educated members of my audience that those with a standard education. The finance aspects are easier to understand to those with a higher education or a special interest in finance, it is also more likely that a higher educated audience member would have a job in finance, making the film much more relatable to them. A standard education does not impede the qualities of the film opening, it just could be more difficult to understand the plot and why financial things are happening. But the standard education audience is still addressed via the action and thriller part of the film, the fast paced car would entice them to watch one as even though it has a finance plot it clearly has elements of excitement throughout.

Gender, religion, race and sexuality are all attracted towards my film opening as it is welcoming to all kinds. In the opening and the entire film it does not objectivity, abuse or mock and kind of gender, religion, race or sexuality. Even though there are more male actors in the film and more Caucasian actors it does not exclude other genders/races from being addressed in the film. The subjects brought up in the film are gender and race-less so they would have no effect on any social group.

Overall my film opening addresses and attracts my audience by bringing together various topics, genres, settings, sounds and storylines that make sure that I have the widest audience appeal I can have. It does not exclude anyone but does gear towards more specific social classes of people.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Evaluation Question 4

Evaluation - Question 4


Well raised person, from whatever background because in my film there is no ridiculing of any kind of background. It might be easier to relate to for people from middle class backgrounds or who had a suburban upbringing but it doesn’t mean it’s inaccessible to others. My perfect audience member would be from a middle class background as they would be able to identify the most with the film, and they would be more interested in niche films as they are stereotypically more cultured.



After taking the Channel 4 Tribes quiz in the mind-set of what my ideal audience would say, the answer came up as a Street Artist. This means that they are vocal and creative on the streets and their motivation is creating more art.


Music is not really a factor that would affect my film, if you were into heavy metal and nothing else then maybe my film would not be for you but if you are a general music lover and open to all forms of culture. An ideal audience member would like music across all generations which means you are more embracing of culture and more likely to enjoy niche films. The music used in my opening is very niche which matches the independent tone and a love of niche music and an open attitude to enjoying new forms of music is the best attitude for my audience to have.


Watch a lot of it and in variety would be the ideal candidate. Consume programs from past and present with ranges of genre from costume drama to reality TV. It just shows that you are culturally aware and actively trying to attain as much culture as you want. Niche Television seems to be very hard to find, as most television is widely watched in the millions. Perhaps shows like Utopia on channel 4 that were cancelled because of low ratings but was a quality product is a good example of a niche program. So, similar to music the audience for me would be an open minded one, that consumed metric tons of media.


Similar to music and television watched a wide range of films from all ages and all genres. Have a passion for film and narrative storylines as that is what niche films are. My audience I would like to imagine involve themselves further in film, watching the Baftas and the Oscars, watching live streams of Sundance Film Festivals and getting involved in local film festivals. Of course the audience for me would be one that preferred niche films rather than mainstream ones; they would discuss and share niche films with their friends all the while having an underlying penchant for all films.


Mid 20s to mid 30s would be my ideal age range, this is because some of the topics discussed are complex, like economics, which you would need to be of an older age or have a huge interest in the topic to understand. People in this age bracket are more likely to be interested in niche films because they have already watched a great deal of films in their lifestyle and they would want to experience new and innovative cinema. But because it is a thriller it is still fast paced so it would also fuel the excitement of the mid 20 year olds. Also it is people in this age bracket that have just got in or have been in the film industry, young creative types who are more inclined to go to film festivals and see niche films.

NRC Social Grade

NRC grade C1, B and A is the bracket that would be my audience, with B being the most likely to see niche films as they would be industry professionals and would have more money to go to film festivals. C1 and A are not excluded as the film would still be marketed towards them as it is still action/thriller for the C1s who desire escapism but also has high class ‘A’ grade topics such as stock market manipulation and governmental issues.


The gender market for my film is both genders as both genders are major roles in the films and neither is gratuitously sexualised or mocked for their gender. Although I believe more men would see the film because it had more stereotypical male topics like action and high level finance.


Religion would not be a factor to be considered in my ideal audience, religion is never explicitly mentioned throughout the film as it is not a topic that is relevant to the film. Any religion could watch it as it would not offend any of them.

Race and Sexuality

Even though the main cast are all Caucasian this should not deter any races from being an ideal audience. All races would be able to identify with job types, human emotions and the idea of a hopeless struggle regardless of skin colour. No one is sexualised in the film as the topics the film brings up have no relevance or connection to sexuality and as it is a niche film it is narrative based.


A higher education would be preferable for an ideal audience because of the higher level topics used like stock markets and finance as well as government issues. A standard education would not be an issue as it is still an action/thriller so would contain exiting elements.


Income not relevant as a cinema ticket cost is negligible. Because it is a niche film it is likely to be shown at film festivals so extra income could mean an early screening but it would also arrive to cinema screens in the end.


Current lifestyle that would not be interested as much could be stockbrokers that are on the run from a government agency, but I think the amount of people with this lifestyle would be slim. Stockbrokers could enjoy it because it has thriller elements that would not be present in their lifestyle. A desired lifestyle would be one of a job in high finance and a life of action and escapism.

Brand Purchasing

Purchases of film posters, magazines and DVDs go a long way to immerse an audience into the culture. But brand purchasing is not necessary, just a passion for niche films and film culture.


Succeeders and Explorers are the ideal psychographics for my audience; they both like and take in fine art so they are more likely to enjoy niche films, seeing a niche film lets succeeders feel self important. Explorers are younger and more likely to watch new things so a niche film appeals to them more.