Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Preliminary Task Script

This is the complete script for our preliminary task

Ed: "20 minutes late Megan"

Ed smacks his phone against his hand

Megan: "b-bu I was just"...

Ed:                                    "alright alright, I got the file that you sent me this morning"

Megan: "I was up all night, I put a lot of effort into it. What did you think?"

Ed: "Shall we play it?"

Ed clicks button on remote, music starts to play
Whilst music plays Megan dances slightly and Ed looks bored drinking from a bottle
Ed clicks button on remote, music stops

Megan: "So what'd 'you think?"

Ed: "I'm not angry Megan, It's just not what I asked for. I asked for a slow drop with a rising beat, not a rising beat with a slow drop"

Megan: "Yeah bu...."

Ed:                            " Sh Sh Sh Shh, You're fired. You see this contract"

Ed rips up contract

Ed: "Could you put this bottle in the bin on the way out"


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