Wednesday, 2 December 2015

No Country For Old Men DVD Cover Analysis - Links with Poster Analysis

This is my DVD cover analysis for No Country For Old Men, mainly focusing on the thriller genre. Both the DVD cover and the poster have synergy between them. This synergy is created to allow the audience to easily associate the products.

No Country For Old Men Poster Analysis - Links with DVD cover Analysis

This is the poster analysis for No Country For Old Men looking mainly at the thriller genre. I have also analysed the DVD cover for the same film. Both the DVD cover and the Poster have synergy between them. The font styles for the title of the movie is exactly the same and the font style for the subtitle text is the same western type font. The figures used are mostly the same which allows the audience to easily connect and associate the two. Overall both the DVD cover and the poster convey the thriller genre with the stylised font, dramatic poses, recognisable thriller actors, enticing action and a subtle scariness.

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Preliminary Task Script

This is the complete script for our preliminary task

Ed: "20 minutes late Megan"

Ed smacks his phone against his hand

Megan: "b-bu I was just"...

Ed:                                    "alright alright, I got the file that you sent me this morning"

Megan: "I was up all night, I put a lot of effort into it. What did you think?"

Ed: "Shall we play it?"

Ed clicks button on remote, music starts to play
Whilst music plays Megan dances slightly and Ed looks bored drinking from a bottle
Ed clicks button on remote, music stops

Megan: "So what'd 'you think?"

Ed: "I'm not angry Megan, It's just not what I asked for. I asked for a slow drop with a rising beat, not a rising beat with a slow drop"

Megan: "Yeah bu...."

Ed:                            " Sh Sh Sh Shh, You're fired. You see this contract"

Ed rips up contract

Ed: "Could you put this bottle in the bin on the way out"
